Boynton Barbell Center opened in 2012 by Chris Meyers. This facility was opened to become a great alternative to the typical globo style gym. Our roots run deep in the sport of powerlifting, and we continue to spread our knowledge of the compound movements, and coaching some of South Florida’s most promising strength athletes. Our goal continues to be to bridge the barrier between proper strength training and the common gym go-er and we will not rest until this job is complete.
Our Gym Memberships are open to anyone and everyone looking to improve their strength and contribute to the positive strength atmosphere that we have developed. We have basic gym memberships that include the 24/7 access package, and coached membership options to help people advance their strength goals and overall health/function.
Our trainers here at the BBC are experts in the areas of strength and form analysis, and our mission is to improve ever single customer who walks through the door who has the will to want to improve and advance their own strength journey with our expertise and guidance.